
Harding Loevner

Being good investors may not be in our nature; that’s why it’s in our process. 


Agency: Nail Communications

Client: Harding Loevner is a global asset management firm.

Project Description: I led the design and user experience of their website overhaul. One of the focuses of the redesign was to create accessible designs that meet compliance terms and to display dense financial information in a clean, refreshing way. The refreshing visuals created stood out in an aesthetically stale industry.


Homepage: Hero carousel animation

Homepage: Hero carousel animation

Homepage: Hoverstates for strategies

Homepage: Hoverstates for strategies



Library page: page load animation

Library page: page load animation

More of Library page

More of Library page

Library page: Search feature

Library page: Search feature

Strategy page: page load animation

Strategy page: page load animation

Strategy page: Performance tables

Strategy page: Performance tables

Strategy page: Portfolio table

Strategy page: Portfolio table

Mobile view of data tables

Mobile view of data tables



Wireframe of Homepage

Wireframe of Homepage

Wireframe of Strategy page

Wireframe of Strategy page

Wireframe of Library page

Wireframe of Library page